55341AC Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server
Koolituse maht: 40 akadeemilist tundi (5 päeva)
This course is intended for IT professionals who have some experience working with Windows Server, and who are looking for a single five-day course that covers storage and compute technologies in Windows Server. This course will help them update their knowledge and skills related to storage and compute for Windows Server.
Candidates suitable for this course would be:
•Windows Server administrators who are relatively new to Windows Server administration and related technologies, and who want to learn more about the storage and compute features in Windows Server.
•IT professionals with general IT knowledge who are looking to gain knowledge about Windows Server especially around storage and compute technologies in Windows Server.
Koolitusel osalemise eeldused:
- A basic understanding of networking fundamentals.
- An awareness and understanding of security best practices.
- An understanding of basic Active Directory concepts.
- Basic knowledge of server hardware.
- Experience supporting and configuring Windows client operating systems such as Windows 10 or Windows 11.
Koolituse kirjeldus
55341AC is the Community Courseware equivalent of retired MOC 20740C – Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server. This five-day course is designed primarily for IT professionals who have some experience with Windows Server. It is designed for professionals who will be responsible for managing storage and compute by using Windows Server, and who need to understand the scenarios, requirements, and storage and compute options that are available and applicable to Windows Server.
Although this course and the associated labs are written for Windows Server 2022, the skills taught will also be backwards compatible for Server 2016 and Server 2019.
The course and labs also focus on how to administer Windows Server using not only the traditional tools such as PowerShell and Server manager, but also Windows Admin Center.
Täpsema kirjelduse koolituse sisu kohta leiad SIIT.
Koolituse eesmärk
This five-day course is designed primarily for IT professionals who have some experience with Windows Server. It is designed for professionals who will be responsible for managing storage and compute by using Windows Server, and who need to understand the scenarios, requirements, and storage and compute options that are available and applicable to Windows Server. Although this course and the associated labs are written for Windows Server 2022, the skills taught will also be backwards compatible for Server 2016 and Server 2019.
Koolituse õpiväljundid
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Prepare and install Windows Server and plan a server upgrade and migration strategy.
- Describe the various storage options, including partition table formats, basic and dynamic disks, file systems, virtual hard disks, and drive hardware, and explain how to manage disks and volumes.
- Describe enterprise storage solutions, and select the appropriate solution for a given situation.
- Implement and manage Storage Spaces and Data Deduplication.
- Install and configure Microsoft Hyper-V, and configure virtual machines.
- Deploy, configure, and manage Windows and Hyper-V containers.
- Describe the high availability and disaster recovery technologies in Windows Server.
- Plan, create, and manage a failover cluster.
- Implement failover clustering for Hyper-V virtual machines.
- Configure a Network Load Balancing (NLB) cluster, and plan for an NLB implementation.
- Create and manage deployment images.
- Manage, monitor, and maintain virtual machine installations.
Koolituse lõpetamise tingimused: õpiväljundite saavutamist kontrollitakse ja hinnatakse läbi iseseisva praktilise töö.
Koolitushind sisaldab:
- klassikoolitust;
- õppematerjale;
- koolitaja konsultatsiooni õpitud teemade kohta e-posti teel pärast koolitust;
- tunnistust.
Lisaväärtusena saad:
- tasuta parkimist;
- vajadusel tasuta korduskoolituse kui tunned, et mõni oskus vajab täiendamist või pidid endast mittesõltuvatel põhjustel koolituse katkestama;
- sooje jooke koos küpsistega;
- lõunasööki igal koolituspäeval.
Täienduskoolituse õppekavarühm: informatsiooni- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia interdistsiplinaarne õppekavarühm
Peep VõrnoKoolitaja
Peep on serverite ja võrkude vastu suurt huvi tundnud juba aastast 1992. Koolitajana on ta aktiivsemalt tegutsenud alates aastast 2003. Tegemist on koolitajaga, kes oskab tuua praktilisi näiteid ja siduda õpitav reaalsusega.
Sertifikaadid ja tunnistused:
Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) aastast 2003
XtremeLabs Certified Instructor
Certified CompTIA Network+
Certified CompTIA A+
CompTIA CIOS specialist
Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate
Täiskasvanute koolitaja, tase 5