55348AC Administering Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager
Koolituse maht: 40 akadeemilist tundi (5 päeva)
Sihtgrupp: 55348AC is the Community Courseware equivalent of retired MOC 20703-1B – Administering Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager.This course is for experienced information technology (IT) professionals, typically described as Enterprise Desktop Administrators (EDAs). These EDAs deploy, manage, and maintain PCs, devices, and applications across medium, large, and enterprise organizations. A significant portion of this audience uses, or intends to use, the latest release of Configuration Manager to manage and deploy PCs, devices, and applications.
Koolitusel osalemise eeldused:
- Networking fundamentals, including common networking protocols, topologies, hardware, media, routing, switching, and addressing.
- Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) principles and fundamentals of AD DS management.
- Installation, configuration, and troubleshooting for Windows-based personal computers.
- Basic concepts of public key infrastructure (PKI) security.
- Basic understanding of scripting and Windows PowerShell syntax.
- Basic understanding of Windows Server roles and services.
- Basic understanding of the configuration options for iOS and Android Mobile device platforms.
Koolituse kirjeldus
- Module 1: Managing computers and mobile devices in the enterprise
- Module 2: Analyzing data using queries, reports, and CMPivot
- Module 3: Preparing the Configuration Manager management infrastructure
- Module 4: Deploying and managing the Configuration Manager client
- Module 5: Managing inventory for PCs and applications
- Module 6: Distributing and managing content used for deployments
- Module 7: Deploying and managing applications
- Module 8: Maintaining software updates for managed PCs
- Module 9: Implementing Defender Protection for managed PCs
- Module 10: Managing compliance and secure data access
- Module 11: Managing operating system deployment
- Module 12: Managing and maintaining a Configuration Manager site
- Module 13: What’s new in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager
Täpsema kirjelduse koolituse sisu kohta leiad SIIT!
Koolituse eesmärk
This five-day course describes how to use Configuration Manager and its associated site systems to efficiently manage network resources. In this five-day course, you will learn day-to-day management tasks, including how to manage applications, client health, hardware and software inventory, operating system deployment, and software updates by using Configuration Manager. You also will learn how to optimize Endpoint Protection, manage compliance, and create management queries and reports.
Although this course and the associated labs are written for Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager and Windows 11, the skills taught will also be backwards compatible with previous editions of System Center Configuration Manager and Windows 10.
Koolituse õpiväljundid
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Describe the features Configuration Manager and Intune include, and explain how you can use these features to manage PCs and mobile devices in an enterprise environment.
- Analyze data by using queries and reports.
- Prepare a management infrastructure, including configuring boundaries, boundary groups, and resource discovery, and integrating mobile-device management with Intune.
- Deploy and manage the Configuration Manager client.
- Configure, manage, and monitor hardware and software inventory, and use Asset Intelligence and software metering.
- Identify and configure the most appropriate method to distribute and manage content used for deployments.
- Distribute, deploy, and monitor applications for managed users and systems.
- Maintain software updates for PCs that Configuration Manager manages.
- Implement Endpoint Protection for managed PCs.
- Manage configuration items, baselines, and profiles to assess and configure compliance settings and data access for users and devices.
- Configure an operating-system deployment strategy by using Configuration Manager.
- Manage and maintain a Configuration Manager site..
Koolituse lõpetamise tingimused: õpiväljundite saavutamist kontrollitakse ja hinnatakse läbi iseseisva praktilise töö.
Koolitushind sisaldab:
- klassikoolitust;
- ametlikke õppematerjale;
- koolitaja konsultatsiooni õpitud teemade kohta e-posti teel pärast koolitust;
- tunnistust.
Lisaväärtusena saad:
- tasuta parkimist;
- vajadusel tasuta korduskoolituse kui tunned, et mõni oskus vajab täiendamist või pidid endast mittesõltuvatel põhjustel koolituse katkestama;
- sooje jooke koos küpsistega;
- lõunasööki igal koolituspäeval.
Täienduskoolituse õppekavarühm: informatsiooni- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia interdistsiplinaarne õppekavarühm
Meelis NigolsKoolitaja
Meelis koolitab alates aastast 1997 ja on keskendunud peamiselt Microsofti toodetele. Tehnilistel koolitustel on Meelis enim nõutud koolitaja, kes valdab oma teemasid tõelise meistrina, omades ka praktilisi töökogemusi süsteemiinseneri ja DevOps insenerina.
Peamised koolitusteemad:
– Microsofti tehnilised koolitused
– serverid ja tööjaamad