PECB GDPR Certified Data Protection Officer (e-õpe, inglise keeles)

Master the knowledge and skills to serve as a Data Protection Officer (DPO) based on the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)!

As data protection is becoming more and more valuable, the need for organizations to protect these data is also constantly increasing. Besides violating the fundamental rights and freedoms of persons, not complying with the data protection regulations can lead to risky situations that could harm an organization’s credibility, reputation, and financial status. This is where your skills as a data protection officers come to place.

Koolituse maht: 32 akadeemilist tundi ehk 4 õppepäeva, mille saad endale sobivale ajale jaotada.

Koolitust on võimalik läbida ka veebi teel reaalajas. Vastav info asub SIIN


  • Managers or consultants seeking to prepare and support an organization in planning, implementing, and maintaining a compliance program based on the GDPR.
  • DPOs and individuals responsible for maintaining conformance with the GDPR requirements.
  • Members of information security, incident management, and business continuity teams.
  • Technical and compliance experts seeking to prepare for a data protection officer role.
  • Expert advisors involved in the security of personal data.

Koolitusel osalemise eeldused: Participants attending this training course are required to have a fundamental understanding of the GDPR and comprehensive knowledge of data protection requirements.

Koolituse kirjeldus

The GDPR Certified Data Protection Officer (CDPO) eLearning training course enables you to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, and develop the competence to perform the role of the data protection officer in a GDPR compliance program implementation.

Here are some of the main benefits of the PECB eLearning experience:

  • Both the training course and the examination are conducted fully online. Thus, all you need is an electronic device, internet access, and the KATE application.
  • The training course is available 24/7, so you can adapt your study pace, time, and location to your schedule instead of having to adapt your schedule to the training course.
  • The unlimited access allows you to go back to any section of the training course as needed.
  • Every training course consists of several video sections.
  • This was done with the sole purpose of making the information easy to receive and process.

Simply put, the eLearning training courses are a convenient way to effectively enhance your professional skills. Our GDPR Certified Data Protection Officer eLearning training course is delivered on the KATE app. It becomes available after you log in using your PECB account. Your virtual classroom now is KATE!

Based on practical exercises, you will be able to master the role of the DPO and become competent to inform, advise, and monitor compliance with the GDPR and cooperate with the supervisory authority. After attending the training course, you can sit for the exam, and if you successfully pass the exam, you can apply for the “PECB Certified Data Protection Officer” credential. The internationally recognized “PECB Certified Data Protection Officer” certificate will prove that you have the professional capabilities and practical knowledge to advise the controller and the processor on how to meet their obligations regarding the GDPR compliance.

Lisainfo koolituse kohta leiad veel SIIT

Koolituse eesmärk

The PECB Certified Data Protection Officer training course enables you to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, and develop the competence to perform the role of the data protection officer in a GDPR compliance program implementation.

Koolituse teemad

  • Day 1: Introduction to the GDPR concepts and principles
  • Day 2: Designation of the DPO and analysis of the GDPR compliance program
  • Day 3: DPO operations
  • Day 4: Monitoring and continual improvement of GDPR compliance
  • Day 5: Certification exam

Koolituse õpiväljundid

After completing this course the student:

  • Understand the concepts of the GDPR and interpret its requirements.
  • Understand the content and the correlation between the General Data Protection Regulation and other regulatory frameworks and applicable standards, such as ISO/IEC 27701 and ISO/IEC 29134.
  • Acquire the competence to perform the role and daily tasks of the data protection officer in an organization.
  • Develop the ability to inform, advise, and monitor compliance with the GDPR and cooperate with the supervisory authority.


The “PECB Certified Data Protection Officer” exam complies with the PECB Examination and Certification Program (ECP) requirements. The exam covers the following competency domains.
Domain 1: Data protection concepts, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and compliance measures.
Domain 2: Roles and responsibilities of accountable parties for the GDPR compliance.
Domain 3: Technical and organizational measures for data protection.


After successfully passing the exam, you can apply for one of the credentials below. You will receive the certificate once you comply with all the requirements related to the selected credential.

General information

  • Certification and examination fees are included in the price of the training course.
  • Participants will be provided with the training course material containing over 450 pages of explanatory information and practical examples.
  • An attestation of course completion worth 35 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) credits will be issued to participants who have attended the training course.

In case candidates fail the exam, they can retake the exam within 12 months following the initial exam for free. This applies only to the candidates who have attended the training course.

Koolituse lõpetamise tingimused: koolituse lõppedes väljastab koolituskeskus koolituse läbinule tunnistuse või tõendi. Koolituse lõppedes väljastatakse tunnistus, kui on täidetud õppekava mahust vähemalt 80% igast teemast ja teised koolituskavast tulenevad nõuded (nt eksam, arvestus, praktiline töö jms). Tõend täienduskoolituses osalemise või selle läbimise kohta väljastatakse isikule juhul, kui koolituse käigus ei hinnatud õpiväljundite saavutatust või kui isik ei saavutanud kõiki õppekava lõpetamiseks nõutud õpiväljundeid.

Õppekeskkonna kirjeldus: õppekorralduse alused (alapunkt 8) 

Täiendkoolituse õppekava rühm: andmebaaside ja võrgu disain ning haldus (0612 ISCED)


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