ISO/IEC 42001 Lead Implementer (inglise keeles)
The PECB ISO/IEC 42001 Lead Implementer training course is your gateway to mastering the practical implementation and responsible management of Artificial intelligence (AI) management system.
Koolituse maht: 32 akadeemilist tundi ehk 4 õppepäeva.
- Kellajad võivad varieeruda kuna koolitaja ei pruugi viibida samas ajavööndis.
Sihtgrupp: Expecting participants who are responsible in implementing Artificial Intelligence Management Systems (AIMS)
- Professionals responsible for overseeing and managing AI projects
- Consultants advising on AI implementation strategies
- Expert advisors and specialists aiming to master the practical implementation of AIMS in accordance with ISO/IEC 42001
- Individuals tasked with ensuring that AI projects adhere to AI requirements within an organization
- Members of AIMS implementation teams involved in the implementation of AI systems
- Executives and managers seeking to make informed decisions regarding AI implementation and its alignment with ISO/IEC 42001
Koolitusel osalemise eeldus: The main requirement for participating in this training course is having a general knowledge of the AIMS and ISO/IEC 42001.
Koolituse kirjeldus
The PECB ISO/IEC 42001 Lead Implementer training course is designed to prepare you to implement Artificial intelligence (AI) management system in accordance with ISO/IEC 42001. It provides you with the necessary competencies to effectively translate AI strategies into actionable solutions. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of AI implementation best practices and a framework for its successful integration within organizations, equipping you with the hands-on expertise to drive AIMS implementation projects.
The ISO/IEC 42001 Lead Implementer training course helps establish digital trust by ensuring that artificial intelligence systems are implemented in a secure, transparent, and ethical manner. By equipping participants with the knowledge to design and manage AI systems in line with ISO/IEC 42001, the training course enables organizations to meet the highest standards of responsibility and governance in AI deployment. This fosters trust among customers, regulators, and stakeholders, as it demonstrates a commitment to managing AI technologies in a way that upholds the core principles of digital trust.
- This training course combines theoretical concepts and practical examples based on real-world applications of artificial intelligence, enabling participants to grasp the practical aspects of implementing AIMS.
- The training course contains essay-type exercises and multiple-choice quizzes, some of which are scenario-based.
- The participants are encouraged to collaborate and engage in meaningful discussions with fellow learners while tackling quizzes and exercises.
- The quiz format closely mirrors that of the certification exam, ensuring participants are well-prepared for their exam.
Lisainfot koolituse kohta leiad veel SIIT
Antud koolitus toimub koostöös PECB Partneriga Andro Kull. Koolituse läbiviijaks on PECB Group Inc
- Day 1: Introduction to ISO/IEC 42001 and the initiation of an AIMS implementation
- Day 2: Planning the implementation of an AIMS
- Day 3: Implementation of an AIMS
- Day 4: AIMS monitoring, continual improvement, and preparation for the certification audit
- Day 5: Certification exam
Koolituse eesmärk
The PECB Certified Data Protection Officer training course enables you to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, and develop the competence to perform the role of the data protection officer in a GDPR compliance program implementation.
Koolituse õpiväljundid
After completing this course the students will be able to:
- Explain the fundamental concepts and principles of an AIMS based on ISO/IEC 42001.
- Interpret the ISO/IEC 42001 requirements for an AIMS from the perspective of an implementer.
- Initiate and plan the implementation of an AIMS based on ISO/IEC 42001 by utilizing PECB’s IMS2 Methodology and other best practices.
- Support an organization in operating, maintaining, and continually improving an AIMS based on ISO/IEC 42001.
- Prepare an organization to undergo a third party certification audit.
After successfully completing the course and passing the exam, you can apply for the “PECB Certified ISO/IEC 42001 Lead Implementer” credential that demonstrates your ability to effectively implement AI strategies.
The “PECB Certified ISO/IEC 42001 Lead Implementer” exam meets all the PECB Examination and Certification Program (ECP) requirements. It covers the following competency domains:
- Domain 1: Fundamental principles and concepts of an artificial intelligence management system (AIMS)
- Domain 2: Artificial intelligence management system requirements
- Domain 3: Planning of an AIMS implementation based on ISO/IEC 42001
- Domain 4: Implementation of an AIMS based on ISO/IEC 42001
- Domain 5: Monitoring and measurement of an AIMS based on ISO/IEC 42001
- Domain 6: Continual improvement and preparation for an AIMS certification audit
For specific information about the exam type, languages available, and other details, please visit the List of PECB Exams and Exam Rules and Policies.
After passing the exam, you can apply for one of the credentials listed in the table below. You will receive a certification once you fulfill all the requirements of the selected credential.
To be considered valid, these activities are considered:
- Development of AI-powered solutions
- Design of AI-based systems
- Management of AI project portfolios
- Leading AI innovation teams
- Development of AI strategy and roadmap
- Implementation of AI governance and compliance programs
- Design of AI-based data pipelines
- Implementation of AI-powered business intelligence solutions
- Development and deployment of AI-powered cybersecurity solutions
- Development and implementation of AI-powered autonomous systems
- Management and design of AI-based predictive analytics
- Development of machine learning models
- Training and deployment of language learning models
- Implementation of natural language processing (NLP) solutions
- Development of sentiment analysis and text classification models
For more information about ISO/IEC 42001 certifications and the PECB Certification process, please refer to Certification Rules and Policies.
Koolitushind sisaldab:
- The training course and PECB approved trainer.
- Certification and examination fees are included in the price of the training course.
- Participants receive training course materials containing over 400 pages of information, practical examples, exercises, and quizzes.
- An attestation of course completion worth 31 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) credits will be issued to participants who have attended the training course.
- In case candidates fail the exam, they can retake the exam within 12 months following the initial exam for free. This applies only to the candidates who have attended the training course.
Õppekeskkonna kirjeldus: õppekorralduse alused (alapunkt 8)
Täienduskoolituse õppekavarühm: Informatsiooni- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogiad, mujal liigitamata
PECB volitatud koolitaja