JavaScript edasijõudnutele (e-õpe, inglise keeles)

Koolituse maht: 8 akadeemilist tundi ehk 1 õppepäev, mille saad endale sobivale ajale jaotada.

Sihtgrupp: This course is for students with some experience in programming using JavaScript.

Koolitusel osalemise eeldused (soovitavalt): Experience in the following is required for this JavaScript class: Basic JavaScript.

To complete the training and get a certification you need to pass the quiz 100%.

Koolituse teemad:

This short JavaScript course prepares you for learning a JavaScript framework like React, Vue.js, jQuery, or Angular, all of which use some advanced JavaScript techniques that you may not yet be familiar with. If there is time at the end of the day, the trainer will work with the students to build a customized JavaScript project based on the students’ interests.

  • Block-scoped variables.
  • Constants.
  • Arrow functions.
  • Rest parameters.
  • The spread operator.
  • Array destructuring.
  • Template literals.
  • Objects, Context, and the this object.
  • The map(), find(), and filter() methods of arrays.
  • JavaScript modules.
  • Node.js and package managers.

Koolituse eesmärk

The main purpose of this e-course is to give students a good understanding of JavaScript advanced concepts.

Koolituse õpiväljundid

  1. Node.js
  2. Scope, var, let, and const
  3. Arrow Functions
  4. Rest Parameters
  5. Spread Operator
  6. Array Destructuring
  7. Template Literals
  8. Objects, Context, and the this Object
  9. Array map() Method
  10. Array filter() Method
  11. Array find() Method
  12. JavaScript Modules
  13. npm
  14. Customize hands-on JavaScript project

Koolitus toimub e-õppe keskkonnas, kuhu saab siseneda isikliku kasutajanime ja parooliga. Need saadetakse Teile pärast koolitusarve tasumist või erikokkuleppel.

Täienduskoolituse õppekavarühm: tarkvara ja rakenduste arendus ning analüüs


Koolitusel osalemine
Vabu kohti: saadaval
The Koolitusel osalemine ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.


155€ +km
