MS-900T01-A: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Koolituse maht: 8 akadeemilist tundi (1 päev)

Sihtgrupp: This course is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational-level knowledge of cloud-based solutions to facilitate productivity and collaboration on-site, at home, or a combination of both. Candidates may have knowledge of cloud-based solutions or may be new to Microsoft 365.

Koolitusel osalemise eeldused: Familiarity with cloud computing concepts such as cloud models and cloud service types, like Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). If you’re unfamiliar with basic cloud computing concepts, we recommend you take the course AZ-900T00-A: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals first.

Koolituse kirjeldus

This course provides foundational knowledge on the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model, with a specific focus on Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings. You will begin by learning about cloud fundamentals, including an overview of cloud computing and specifically Microsoft cloud services. You will be introduced to Microsoft Azure, and you will examine the differences between Microsoft 365 and Office 365. You will then perform an in-depth review of Microsoft 365, including a comparison of Microsoft on-premises services versus Microsoft 365 cloud services, a review of enterprise mobility in Microsoft 365, and an analysis of how Microsoft 365 services provide collaboration. The course then analyzes how security, compliance, privacy, and trust are handled in Microsoft 365, and it concludes with a review of Microsoft 365 subscriptions, licenses, billing, and support.

This learning path helps prepare you for exam MS-900: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Täpsema kirjelduse koolituse sisu kohta leiad SIIT

Koolituse teemad

Koolituse eesmärk

In this course, students will learn foundational knowledge on the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model, with a specific focus on Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings.

Koolituse õpiväljundid

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe cloud concepts
  • Define cloud computing.
  • Describe the shared responsibility model.
  • Define cloud models, including public, private, and hybrid.
  • Identify appropriate use cases for each cloud model.
  • Describe the consumption-based model.
  • Compare cloud pricing models.
  • Describe the benefits of high availability and scalability in the cloud.
  • Describe the benefits of reliability and predictability in the cloud.
  • Describe the benefits of security and governance in the cloud.
  • Describe the benefits of manageability in the cloud.
  • Describe Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
  • Describe Platform as a Service (PaaS).
  • Describe Software as a Service (SaaS).
  • Identify appropriate use cases for each cloud service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).
  • Describe Microsoft 365 pricing, licensing, and support
  • Describe Microsoft 365 security and compliance capabilities.
  1. Describe Microsoft 365 apps and services
  • Describe Office 365, Microsoft 365, and Windows 365
  • Describe how Microsoft 365 empowers workers for hybrid and flexible work
  • Describe how Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 can unlock productivity and creativity
  • Create a Microsoft 365 trial organization
  • Describe how the capabilities of Microsoft 365 can boost productivity
  • Describe how Microsoft 365 Apps help people craft compelling content in real-time
  • Describe how the capabilities of the work management tools optimize operations
  • Describe additional Microsoft 365 productivity apps
  • Describe the endpoint modern management capabilities of Microsoft 365
  • Describe the differences between Windows 365 and Azure Virtual Desktop
  • Describe the deployment and release models for Windows-as-a-Service
  • Describe the deployment methods and update channels for Microsoft 365 Apps
  • Describe how Viva Insights help people and organizations work smarter and achieve balance
  • Describe the capabilities of the Microsoft 365 admin center and user portal
  • Describe the reports available in the Microsoft 365 admin center and other admin centers
  1. Describe Microsoft 365 security and compliance capabilities
  • Describe the function of Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Describe the types of identities Microsoft Entra ID supports.
  • Describe Conditional Access in Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Describe Microsoft Entra roles and role-based access control.
  • Describe the Microsoft Defender XDR service.
  • Describe how Microsoft Defender XDR provides integrated protection against sophisticated attacks.
  • Describe and explore Microsoft Defender portal.
  • Describe the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.
  • Describe Compliance Manager.
  • Describe the use and benefits of compliance score.
  • Describe the offerings of the Service Trust Portal.
  • Describe Microsoft’s Privacy principles.
  • Describe Microsoft Priva.
  1. Describe Microsoft 365 pricing, licensing, and support
  • Describe the offerings of the Service Trust Portal.
  • Describe Microsoft’s Privacy principles.
  • Describe Microsoft Priva.
  • Describe the offerings of the Service Trust Portal.
  • Describe Microsoft’s Privacy principles.
  • Describe Microsoft Priva.

Koolituse lõpetamise tingimused: Koolituse lõppedes väljastab koolituskeskus koolituse läbinule tunnistuse või tõendi. Koolituse lõppedes väljastatakse tunnistus, kui on täidetud õppekava mahust vähemalt 80% ja teised koolituskavast tulenevad nõuded (nt eksam, arvestus, praktiline töö jms). Tõend täienduskoolituses osalemise või selle läbimise kohta väljastatakse isikule juhul, kui koolituse käigus ei hinnatud õpiväljundite saavutatust või kui isik ei saavutanud kõiki õppekava lõpetamiseks nõutud õpiväljundeid.

Koolitushind sisaldab:

  • ettevalmistatud töökohta vajaliku riist- ja tarkvaraga klassiruumis. Veebikeskkonnas osalejale võimaldame vajadusel kaugligipääsu koolitusel osalemiseks nõutud tarkvarale;
  • Microsofti ametlikke õppematerjale;
  • Microsofti eksami vautšerit;
  • koolitajat, kes omab vähemalt täiskasvanute koolitaja taset 5 või töökogemust vastavas valdkonnas;
  • koolitaja konsultatsiooni õpitud teemade kohta e-posti teel pärast koolitust.

Lisaks pakume:

  • vajadusel tasuta korduskoolitust, kui tunned, et mõni oskus vajab täiendamist või pidid endast mittesõltuvatel põhjustel koolituse katkestama;
  • sooje jooke ja küpsiseid;
  • lõunasööki igal koolituspäeval;
  • tasuta parkimist (lisa kell autoaknal nähtavale kohale ning koolituskeskusesse jõudes registreeri parkimine meie parkimissüsteemis).

Õppekeskkonna kirjeldus: Õppekorralduse alused (alapunkt 8)

Täienduskoolituse õppekavarühm: andmebaaside ja võrgu disain ning haldus (0612 ISCED)


Koolitusel osalemine
Vabu kohti: saadaval
The Koolitusel osalemine ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.


07.veebr. 2025


1 päev
09:30 - 17:00


490€ +km


Lõõtsa 5
või veebi teel osaledes


  • Peep Võrno
    Peep Võrno

    Peep on serverite ja võrkude vastu suurt huvi tundnud juba aastast 1992. Koolitajana on ta aktiivsemalt tegutsenud alates aastast 2003. Tegemist on koolitajaga, kes oskab tuua praktilisi näiteid ja siduda õpitav reaalsusega.

    Sertifikaadid ja tunnistused:
    Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) aastast 2003
    XtremeLabs Certified Instructor
    Certified CompTIA Network+
    Certified CompTIA A+
    CompTIA CIOS specialist
    Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate
    Täiskasvanute koolitaja, tase 5

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