Networking with Windows Server 20741WV

Koolituse maht: 40 akadeemilist tundi (5 päeva)

Sihtgrupp: This course is for IT professionals who have some networking knowledge and experience, and who are looking for insight into core and advanced Windows Server 2022 networking technologies. This audience typically includes network administrators and system and infrastructure administrators.

Koolitusel osalemise eeldused:

  • Experience installing PC hardware and devices.
  • Knowledge of the TCP/IP protocol stack, addressing, and name resolution.
  • Understanding of networking-infrastructure components, such as cabling, routers, hubs, and switches.
  • Familiarity with networking topologies and architectures, such as local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and wireless networking.
  • Knowledge of TCP/IP protocol stack, addressing, and name resolution.
  • Practical experience with Windows Server.
  • Practical experience with Windows Server Hyper-V.
  • Practical experience with Windows 10 or Windows 11.

Koolituse kirjeldus

This 5-day course examines the services and features of Windows Server 2022. The course covers key technologies and provides the skills required to implement, configure, integrate, and support Windows Server networking, while covering IP fundamentals, automatic IP addressing, IP address management, name resolution, remote access, and advanced networking infrastructure.

The students are provided with an unparalleled learning platform that requires no setup. Students can dive straight into a fully-prepared lab environment with just a click. This seamless integration means no time wasted on installations or configurations, allowing students to focus solely on the task at hand. The lab comes pre-loaded with all the necessary tools and resources, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free learning experience.

*This is the updated version of 55349AC.

Koolituse teemad

  • Module 1: Plan and implement IPv4

    This module details how to plan and implement an IPv4 addressing scheme to support your organization’s needs. The module also explains how to use fundamental networking tools and techniques to configure and troubleshoot IPv4-based networks.


    • Plan IPv4 addressing
    • Configure IPv4
    • Manage and troubleshoot IPv4

    Lab 1: Plan an IPv4 addressing scheme

    • Plan the IPv4 address assignments
    • Verify IPv4 communication
    • Troubleshoot IPv4

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Plan IPv4 addressing and subnetting.
    • Configure Windows Server with IPv4.
    • Manage and troubleshoot IPv4 network connectivity.

    Module 2: Implement DHCP

    Automatic IP configuration makes it easier to manage IP hosts. In this module, students learn how to deploy and manage the DHCP server role, select a high-availability option for DHCP, and configure DHCP failover.


    • What is DHCP?
    • Deploy DHCP
    • Manage DHCP high availability
    • Manage and troubleshoot DHCP

    Lab 1: Implement DHCP

    • Plan a DHCP server implementation
    • Implement the DHCP configuration
    • Implement DHCP failover
    • Validate the DHCP implementation

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Plan a DHCP server implementation.
    • Implement a DHCP configuration.
    • Plan DHCP high-availability options.
    • Validate a DHCP deployment.

    Module 3: Plan and implement IPv6

    This module details how to plan and implement an IPv6 addressing scheme to support your organization’s needs. It also includes specifics about configuring coexistence between IPv4 and IPv6 and explains options for transitioning to IPv6.


    • Implement IPv6
    • Manage IPv4 and IPv6 Coexistence
    • Migrate to IPv6

    Lab 1: Configure and evaluate IPv6 transition technologies

    • Review the default IPv6 configuration
    • Implement DHCPv6
    • Configure network integration by using ISATAP
    • Configure native IPv6 connectivity
    • Configure 6to4 connectivity

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Review the default IPv6 configuration.
    • Create and configure IPv6 configuration.
    • Configure network integration by using ISATAP.
    • Configure native IPv6 connectivity.
    • Configure network integration by using 6to4 integration.

    Module 4: Implement name resolution with DNS

    This module explains the fundamentals of using Domain Name System (DNS) for simple name resolution, and then details more advanced topics, such as the GlobalNames zone, Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC), and split-brain syndrome. These modules detail how you can install, configure, and troubleshoot DNS within an organization’s network.


    • Deploy DNS servers
    • Configure zones in DNS server
    • Configure nameresolution between DNS zones
    • Configure DNS integration with AD DS
    • Configure advanced DNS settings

    Lab 1: Plan and implement DNS name resolution

    • Plan DNS name resolution
    • Implement DNS servers and zones

    Lab 2: Integrate DNS with AD DS

    • Integrate DNS with AD DS

    Lab 3: Configure advanced DNS settings

    • Configure DNS policies
    • Validate a DNS implementation
    • Troubleshoot DNS

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Plan and implement DNS name resolution
    • Integrate DNS with AD DS
    • Configure advanced DNS settings

    Module 5: Implement and manage IPAM

    This module introduces IPAM functionality, explains how to deploy IPAM, and shows student how to manage DNS and DHCP functionality by using IPAM.


    • What is IPAM?
    • Deploy IPAM
    • Manage IP address spaces with IPAM

    Lab 1: Implement IPAM

    • Install the IPAM Server feature
    • Provision the IPAM Server
    • Manage IP address spaces by using IPAM

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • What is IPAM?
    • Deploy IPAM
    • Manage IP address spaces with IPAM

    Module 6: Implement remote access

    In this module, students learn how to implement remote access technologies in Windows Server.

    They will also learn about different implementation scenarios for small or medium-sized organizations and enterprise organizations. In Windows Server, four component technologies—virtual private network (VPN), DirectAccess, Routing, and Web Application Proxy—integrate into a single, unified server role called Remote Access.


    • Overview of remote access options
    • Implement WAP
    • Plan VPNs

    Lab 1: Implement a Web Application Proxy

    • Implement Web Application Proxy
    • Validate a Web Application Proxy deployment

    Lab 2: Implement a VPN

    • Implement VPN
    • Validate the VPN deployment
    • Troubleshoot VPN access

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Overview of remote access options
    • Implement WAP
    • Plan VPNs

    Module 7: Implement branch office networking

    In this module, students learn several ways in which to use Windows Server to overcome the limitations of branch-office scenarios. They’ll learn about using Distributed File System (DFS) and Windows BranchCache.


    • Networking features and coniderations for branch offices
    • Implement DFSR
    • Implement BranchCahe for branch offices

    Lab 1: Implement DFS for branch offices

    • Implement DFS
    • Validate the deployment

    Lab 2: Implement BranchCache

    • Implement BranchCache
    • Validate the deployment

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Networking features and coniderations for branch offices
    • Implement DFSR
    • Implement BranchCahe for branch offices

    Module 8: Implement advanced networking

    Windows Server includes advanced high-performance networking features, such as server message block (SMB) 3.1.1, Quality of Service (QoS) options, and several enhancements on the receiving end of network packet processing. Additionally, high-performance networking features are available to the Microsoft Hyper-V role and the virtual machines (VMs) that are running under Hyper V, such as expanded virtual-switch functionality and extensibility, single-root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV), dynamic virtual-machine queuing, and NIC Teaming for VMs. In this module, you will learn how to deploy and configure advanced networking in Windows Server and the new Hyper-V networking features.


    • Overview of high-performance networking features
    • Configure advanced Hyper-V networking features

    Lab 1: Configure advanced Hyper-V networking features

    • Create and use Hyper-V virtual switches
    • Configure and use the advanced features of a virtual switch

    After completing this module, students will be able to:

    • Overview of high-performance networking features
    • Configure advanced Hyper-V networking features

Täpsema kirjelduse koolituse sisu kohta leiad SIIT

Koolituse eesmärk

To provide the skills required to implement, configure, integrate, and support Windows Server networking, while covering IP fundamentals, automatic IP addressing, IP address management, name resolution, remote access, and advanced networking infrastructure.

Koolituse õpiväljundid

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Plan and implement IPv4.
  • Implement Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
  • Plan and implement IPv6.
  • Implement name resolution with Domain Name System (DNS).
  • Implement and manage IP Address Management (IPAM).
  • Plan and implement remote access.
  • Implement networking for branch offices.
  • Configure advanced networking features.

Koolituse lõpetamise tingimused: Koolituse lõppedes väljastab koolituskeskus koolituse läbinule tunnistuse või tõendi. Koolituse lõppedes väljastatakse tunnistus, kui on täidetud õppekava mahust vähemalt 80% ja teised koolituskavast tulenevad nõuded (nt eksam, arvestus, praktiline töö jms). Tõend täienduskoolituses osalemise või selle läbimise kohta väljastatakse isikule juhul, kui koolituse käigus ei hinnatud õpiväljundite saavutatust või kui isik ei saavutanud kõiki õppekava lõpetamiseks nõutud õpiväljundeid.

Koolitushind sisaldab:

  • ettevalmistatud töökohta vajaliku riist- ja tarkvaraga klassiruumis. Veebikeskkonnas osalejale võimaldame vajadusel kaugligipääsu koolitusel osalemiseks nõutud tarkvarale;
  • koolitajat, kes omab vähemalt täiskasvanute koolitaja taset 5 või töökogemust vastavas valdkonnas;
  • koolitaja konsultatsiooni õpitud teemade kohta e-posti teel pärast koolitust.

Lisaks pakume:

  • vajadusel tasuta korduskoolitust, kui tunned, et mõni oskus vajab täiendamist või pidid endast mittesõltuvatel põhjustel koolituse katkestama;
  • sooje jooke ja küpsiseid;
  • lõunasööki igal koolituspäeval;
  • tasuta parkimist (lisa kell autoaknal nähtavale kohale ning koolituskeskusesse jõudes registreeri parkimine meie parkimissüsteemis).

Õppekeskkonna kirjeldus: Õppekorralduse alused (alapunkt 8)

Täienduskoolituse õppekavarühm: andmebaaside ja võrgu disain ning haldus


Koolitusel osalemine
Vabu kohti: saadaval
The Koolitusel osalemine ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.


19.mai 2025 - 23.mai 2025


5 päeva
09:30 - 17:00


1090€ +km


Lõõtsa 5, Tallinn
või veebi teel osaledes


  • Peep Võrno
    Peep Võrno

    Peep on serverite ja võrkude vastu suurt huvi tundnud juba aastast 1992. Koolitajana on ta aktiivsemalt tegutsenud alates aastast 2003. Tegemist on koolitajaga, kes oskab tuua praktilisi näiteid ja siduda õpitav reaalsusega.

    Sertifikaadid ja tunnistused:
    Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) aastast 2003
    XtremeLabs Certified Instructor
    Certified CompTIA Network+
    Certified CompTIA A+
    CompTIA CIOS specialist
    Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate
    Täiskasvanute koolitaja, tase 5

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