Outlook 2019 algkursus (e-õpe, inglise keeles)
Koolituse maht: 8 akadeemilist tundi ehk 1 õppepäev, mille saad endale sobivale ajale jaotada.
Sihtgrupp: Students who have little or no familiarity with Microsoft Outlook 2019 or more experienced Outlook users who want to learn the topics covered in this course in the 2019 interface.
Koolitusel osalemise eeldused: Experience in the following is required for this Microsoft Outlook class:
- Familiarity with using a personal computer, mouse, and keyboard.
- Comfortable in the Windows environment.
To complete the training and get a certification you need to pass the quiz 100%.
Koolituse teemad:
This Microsoft Outlook training class introduces the 2019 interface and gets students up and running quickly working with messages, calendars, and contacts in Outlook 2019 or Outlook 365.
1. The Outlook 2019 Interface
- Overview of the Outlook Interface
- More Features of the Outlook Interface
- The Ribbon
- Tabs, Groups, and Commands on the Ribbon
- Tabs on the Mail Ribbon
- Groups on the Mail Ribbon
- Tell Me
- Configure Views
- Commands on the Mail Ribbon
- Exercise: Exploring the Ribbon
- The Backstage View (File Menu)
- The Info Tab
- The Open and Export Tab
- The Save As Tab
- The Print Tab
- Office Account
- Options
- Exercise: Exploring the Backstage View
- Test
2. Performing Popular Tasks in Outlook 2019
- Setting Up an Email Account
- Exercise: Setting Up an Email Account
- Open Email Messages
- Reply to and Forward Email Messages
- Include Original Messages with All Replies
- Change Quoted Text Color
- Using Cc and Bcc
- Redirect Replies
- Preview and Save an Attachment
- Exercise: Opening and Replying to a Message
- Print a Message
- Delete a Message
- Save a Message in an Alternate Format
- Delegate Access
- Exercise: Printing a Message
- Customize the Navigation Pane
- Test
3. Working with Messages
- Compose a Message
- Set a Priority
- Mark as Private
- Quick Parts
- Change Text Formats
- Add Visuals
- Add an Attachment
- Set an Attachment Reminder
- Improvements to Attachments
- Add Voting Options
- Check Spelling and Grammar
- Format Text
- Use the Format Painter
- Apply a Style
- Check Accessibility
- Listen to and Dictate Your Email
- Use Microsoft Word to Edit Messages
- Insert a Hyperlink or Image in a Message
- Send a Message
- Request a Read Receipt
- Exercise: Creating and Sending a New Message
- Test
4. Working with the Calendar
- Change Your Calendar View
- Set Up Availability Status
- Change the Calendar’s Time Zone
- Local Weather Forecast
- Exercise: Setting Up Your Calendar
- Print Your Schedule
- Share Your Calendar
- Schedule a Meeting
- Set Reminders
- Schedule Resources
- Set Calendar Item Importance
- Schedule a Meeting from a Message
- Make Updates to Meetings
- Add Participants
- Cancel a Meeting
- Reply to a Meeting Invitation
- Schedule an Appointment
- Make Updates to an Appointment
- Create Calendar Groups
- Delete a Calendar
- Work with Calendar Items
- Forward an Item
- Add Color to Your Calendar
- Set Item Importance
- Configure a Reminder
- Search Your Calendar
- Share Meeting Notes
- Create and Add Calendars
- Exercise: Scheduling a Meeting
- Test
5. Organizing Contacts
- Add, Delete, Import, and Print a Contact
- Update a Contact
- Share a Contact
- Attach Notes to Contacts
- Exercise: Adding and Updating a Contact
- Locate a Contact
- Sort Contacts
- Work with Contact Groups
- Add a Contact to a Group
- Update or Delete a Contact within a Group
- Add Notes to a Group
- Delete a Group
- Manage Multiple Address Books
- Perform a Mail Merge
- Exercise: Performing a Mail Merge
- Test
Koolituse eesmärk
The main purpose of this online course is to give students basic skills in Outlook 2019.
Koolituse õpiväljundid
After completing this course, students will:
- Learn about the new features in Outlook.
- Learn about the Ribbon, Tabs, Groups, and Commands.
- Explore the Backstage View.
- Set up accounts and work with messages.
- Work with calendars and contacts.
Koolitus toimub e-õppe keskkonnas, kuhu saab siseneda isikliku kasutajanime ja parooliga. Need saadetakse Teile pärast koolitusarve tasumist või erikokkuleppel.