PECB Chief Information Security Officer (inglise keeles)

The training course is tailored for aspiring CISOs, providing them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and strategies to lead information security programs effectively and safeguard information and assets in today’s dynamic digital environment. It  covers a wide range of topics, including security frameworks, risk assessment, regulatory compliance, and governance. By attending this training course, you will gain knowledge of emerging security trends and best practices. Additionally, you will learn about the technologies that are essential to information security, including network security, application security, and cloud security.

Koolituse maht: 32 akadeemilist tundi (4 päeva).

*Küsi lisa täpsemate kuupäevade osas.

*Kellajad võivad varieeruda kuna koolitaja ei pruugi viibida samas ajavööndis.


  • Professionals actively involved in information security management
  • IT managers responsible for overseeing information security programs
  • Security professionals who aspire to advance into leadership roles, such as security architects, security analysts, and security auditors
  • Professionals responsible for managing information security risk and compliance within organizations
  • Experienced CISOs seeking to enhance their knowledge, stay up to date with the latest trends, and refine their leadership skills
  • Executives, including CIOs, CEOs, and COOs, who play a crucial role in decision-making processes related to information security
  • Professionals aiming to achieve executive-level roles within the information security field

Koolitusel osalemise eeldus: The main requirement for participating in this training course is having a fundamental understanding of information security principles and concepts.

Koolituse kirjeldus

By attending the PECB CISO training course, you will gain the necessary expertise to oversee and manage information security, ensuring the implementation of robust security measures, the identification and mitigation of information security risks, and the development of effective security strategies tailored to the organization’s specific needs. In addition, by obtaining the PECB CISO credential, you demonstrate commitment to professional development and ability to take on executive-level responsibilities. Moreover, you will be able to enhance your career prospects, positioning yourself as a highly qualified candidate for senior leadership roles in the field of information security

Koolitusele järgneval päeval on võimalik sooritada rahvusvaheline sertifikaadieksam (inglise keeles). Positiivse eksamitulemuse olemasolul ja töökogemuse tingimuste täitmisel on osalejatel võimalik omandada rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud sertifikaat.

Lisainfot koolituse ja eksami kohta leiad ka SIIT


  • Day 1: Fundamentals of information security and the role of a CISO
    Training course objectives and structure
    Fundamentals of information security
    Chief information security officer (CISO)
    Information security program
  • Day 2: Information security compliance program, risk management, and security architecture and design
    Information security compliance program
    Analysis of the existing information security capabilities
    Information security risk management
    Security architecture and design
  • Day 3: Security controls, incident management, and change management
    Information security controls
    Information security incident management
    Change management
  • Day 4: Information security awareness, monitoring and measurement, and continual improvement
    Awareness and training programs
    Monitoring and measurement
    Assurance program
    Continual improvement
    Closing of the training course
  • Day 5: Certification Exam

Koolituse õpiväljundid

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the fundamental principles and concepts of information security
  • Comprehend the roles and responsibilities of the CISO and the ethical considerations involved, and address the challenges associated with the role
  • Design and develop an effective information security program, tailored to the needs of the organization
  • Adopt applicable frameworks, laws, and regulations and effectively communicate and implement policies to ensure information security compliance
  • Identify, analyze, evaluate, and treat information security risks, using a systematic and effective approach

Koolitushind sisaldab:

  • certification and examination fees are included in the price of the training course;
  • participants will be provided with the training course material containing over 450 pages of explanatory information, examples, best practices, exercises, and quizzes;
  • an attestation of course completion worth 31 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) credits will be issued to the participants who have attended the training course;
  • in case candidates fail the exam, they can retake it within 12 months following the initial attempt for free.

Täienduskoolituse õppekavarühm: andmebaaside ja võrgu disain ning haldus (0612 ISCED)


Koolitusel osalemine
Vabu kohti: saadaval
The Koolitusel osalemine ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.


17.märts 2025 - 20.märts 2025


4 päeva
09:00 - 16:30


1980€ +km




  • Andro Kull
    Andro Kull

    Andro Kull during his career, has worked in both sectors, public and private. In the previous years he has worked for the financial sector with regards to IT and information security, and for the energy sector with regards to IT risks, where security and continuity demands are very high. Kull started his career as IT specialist and IT manager, and has worked extensively as IT auditor and as IT risk manager for one of the largest company in Estonia. At the same time, he founded a small consulting company and managed projects related to IT risk assessment, the implementation of security measures, business continuity planning (BC), planning for recovery (DR), and crisis management mostly in public sector organizations.

    The international environment is not new to Andro Kull, since he has participated in the European Central Bank internet payment security working group. Kull has been cooperating with the IT banking supervisors on an international level. Furthermore, he has organized one international conference in Tallinn. In addition, he has worked for European Union DG Connect as advisor connected with IT risk management recommendations development.

    Andro Kull holds a PhD degree from the University of Tampere, concentrating on the IT oversight and compliance verification methodologies, and he currently is lecturing IT risk and information security management issues at the University of Tallinn.

  • PECB ametlik koolitaja