PECB ISO/IEC 27005 Risk Manager (e-õpe, inglise keeles)

Master the implementation and Information Security Risk Management (ISRM) based on ISO/IEC 27005.

As the world is moving faster than ever, technological developments have rapidly evolved and are redefining, among others, the way we live, learn, and teach. This expansive nature of the internet and technology demand new ways of adapting to this new virtual environment for all of us. This new world has given birth to a new form of studying that is both efficient and of global reach: eLearning.

Koolituse maht: 24 akadeemilist tundi ehk 3 õppepäeva, mille saad endale sobivale ajale jaotada.

Koolitust on võimalik läbida ka veebi teel reaalajas. Vastav info asub SIIN


  • Managers or consultants involved in or responsible for information security in an organization.
  • Individuals responsible for managing information security risks.
  • Members of information security teams, IT professionals, and privacy officers.
  • Individuals responsible for maintaining conformity with the information security requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 in an organization.
  • Project managers, consultants, or expert advisers seeking to master the management of information security risks.

Koolitusel osalemise eeldused: Inglise keele oskus, arvuti kasutamise oskus baastasemel. Kasuks tuleb kogemus infoturbe ja/või riskijuhtimise valdkonnas.

Koolituse kirjeldus

The ISO/IEC 27005 Risk Manager eLearning training course provides valuable information on risk management concepts and principles outlined by ISO/IEC 27005 and also ISO 31000.
The training course provides participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify, evaluate, analyze, treat, and communicate information security risks based on ISO/IEC 27005. Furthermore, the training course provides an overview of other best risk assessment methods, such as OCTAVE, MEHARI, EBIOS, NIST, CRAMM, and Harmonized TRA.

Each eLearning training course is delivered by experienced Trainers from all around the world, and is divided into several video sections and subsections. Videos contain animations to support what the trainer is lecturing — the animations correspond to the sections provided in in the traditional mode of training. To keep our candidates engaged, we have incorporated quizzes into our eLearning training courses. Our ISO/IEC Risk Manager eLearning training course is delivered on the KATE app. It becomes available after you log in using your PECB account. In addition to having the training course content in the video format, you can also access the regular training course materials format, structured in training course days, with the additional files available in an editable format (depending on the training course, the case study, exercises, and exercises correction key files will also be available). Quizzes are part of the training course to increase interactivity between attendants and the training material.

Lisainfo koolituse kohta leiad veel SIIT

Koolituse eesmärk

The training course provides participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify, evaluate, analyze, treat, and communicate information security risks based on ISO/IEC 27005. Furthermore, the training course provides an overview of other best risk assessment methods, such as OCTAVE, MEHARI, EBIOS, NIST, CRAMM, and Harmonized TRA. The PECB ISO/IEC 27005 Risk Manager certification demonstrates that you comprehend the concepts and principles of information security risk management.

The training course is followed by an exam. After passing the exam, you can apply for the “PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27005 Risk Manager” credential.

PECB offers you the opportunity to receive internationally recognized certifications after taking the training courses and successfully passing the exams. Do not miss a chance!

Koolituse teemad

Koolituse õpiväljundid

After completing this course the student knows:

  •  Explain the risk management concepts and principles outlined by ISO/IEC 27005 and ISO 31000.
  • Establish, maintain, and improve an information security risk management framework based on the guidelines of ISO/IEC 27005.
  • Apply information security risk management processes based on the guidelines of ISO/IEC 27005.
  • Plan and establish risk communication and consultation activities.


The “PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27005 Risk Manager” exam meets all the requirements of the PECB Examination and Certification
Program (ECP). It covers the following competency domains:
Domain 1: Fundamental principles and concepts of information security risk management
Domain 2: Implementation of an information security risk management program
Domain 3: Information security risk management framework and processes based on ISO/IEC 27005
Domain 4: Other information security risk assessment methods


After successfully passing the exam, you can apply for one of the credentials below. You will receive the certificate once you comply with all the requirements related to the selected credential.

General information

  • Certificate and examination fees are included in the price of the training course.
  • Participants of the training course will receive over 350 pages of training materials, containing valuable information and practical examples.
  • Participants of the training course will receive an attestation of course completion worth 21 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) credits.
  • Participants who have completed the training course and failed to pass the exam, are eligible to retake it once for free within a 12-month period from the initial date of the exam

Koolituse lõpetamise tingimused: koolituse lõppedes väljastab koolituskeskus koolituse läbinule tunnistuse või tõendi. Koolituse lõppedes väljastatakse tunnistus, kui on täidetud õppekava mahust vähemalt 80% igast teemast ja teised koolituskavast tulenevad nõuded (nt eksam, arvestus, praktiline töö jms). Tõend täienduskoolituses osalemise või selle läbimise kohta väljastatakse isikule juhul, kui koolituse käigus ei hinnatud õpiväljundite saavutatust või kui isik ei saavutanud kõiki õppekava lõpetamiseks nõutud õpiväljundeid.

Õppekeskkonna kirjeldus: õppekorralduse alused (alapunkt 8) 

Täiendkoolituse õppekava rühm: andmebaaside ja võrgu disain ning haldus (0612 ISCED)


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