MS PowerPoint 2019 algkursus (e-õpe, inglise keeles)

Koolituse maht: 8 akadeemilist tundi ehk 1 õppepäev, mille saad endale sobivale ajale jaotada.

Sihtgrupp: Students who have little or no familiarity with Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 or more experienced PowerPoint users who want to learn the topics covered in this course in the 2019 interface.

Koolitusel osalemise eeldused: Experience in the following is required for this Microsoft PowerPoint class:

  • Familiarity with using a personal computer, mouse, and keyboard.
  • Comfortable in the Windows environment.
  • Ability to launch and close programs; navigate to information stored on the computer; and manage files and folders.

To complete the training and get a certification you need to pass the quiz 100%.

Koolituse teemad:

This Introduction to PowerPoint 2019 training class is designed for students who are interested in learning the fundamentals needed to create and modify basic presentations using PowerPoint 2019 or PowerPoint 365. Students will explore the PowerPoint environment and create a presentation. Students will format text on slides to enhance clarity and add graphical objects to a presentation and modify them. Students will also add tables and charts to a presentation to present data in a structured form and then finalize a presentation.

1. Creating a PowerPoint Presentation

  • Starting Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Normal View
  • Creating a Presentation
  • Saving a Document
    1. Maintain Backward Compatibility
  • Importing a File
  • The Status Bar
  • Closing a Presentation
  • Exercise: Creating a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

2. The Ribbon

  • The Ribbon
  • Tabs
  • Groups
  • Commands
  • The Tell Me Tab
  • Exercise: Exploring the Ribbon

3. The Quick Access Toolbar

  • Adding Common Commands
  • Adding More Commands with the Customize Dialog Box
  • Adding Ribbon Commands or Groups
  • Placement
  • Exercise: Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

4. The Backstage View (The File Menu)

  • Introduction to the Backstage View
  • Opening a Presentation
  • Exercise: Opening a Presentation
  • New Presentations and Presentation Templates
  • Exercise: Creating an Agenda Using a Template
  • Presentation Properties
  • Adding Your Name to Microsoft PowerPoint

5. Formatting Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations

  • Selecting a Slide Layout
  • Adding Text
  • Adding Text from a Text File or Word Outline
  • Editing Text
  • Formatting Text
  • Formatting Text as WordArt
  • Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists
  • Ink Equation
  • Formatting Text Placeholders
    1. Formatting Text into Columns
  • Adding Slides to a Presentation
    1. Using the Format Painter
    2. Duplicating an Existing Slide
    3. Deleting Slides
    4. Hiding Slides
  • Arranging Slides
  • Exercise: Formatting Text

6. Working with Images

  • Adding Images to a Slide
  • Inserting a Picture
  • Inserting Icons
    1. 3D Models
  • Inserting Clip Art
  • Capturing and Inserting a Screenshot
  • Editing an Image
  • Formatting Images
    1. Adding Effects to an Image
  • Creating Custom Color with the Eyedropper
  • Applying a Style and Cropping an Image
  • Grouping and Ungrouping Images
  • Arranging Images
  • Adding Shapes
    1. Apply Borders to a Shape
    2. Modify Shape Backgrounds
    3. Aligning and Grouping Shapes
    4. Merging Shapes
    5. Object Smart Guides
    6. Apply Styles to a Shape
    7. Create a Custom Shape
    8. Displaying Gridlines for Shapes
    9. Adding Text to Shapes in Columns
  • Using Digital Ink
  • Exercise: Working with Images and Shapes

7. Working with Tables and Charts

  • Inserting a Table
  • Formatting Tables
  • Importing Tables from External Sources
  • Exercise: Working with a Table
  • Inserting a Chart
  • Formatting a Chart
    1. Modifying Chart Type
    2. Adding Legends to Charts
    3. Modifying Number of Rows and Columns
  • Importing Charts from External Sources
  • Exercise: Working with Charts

8. Finalizing Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations

  • Checking Spelling
  • Accessing Different Views of a Presentation
    1. Presenter View
    2. Changing the View to Grayscale
    3. Changing Page Setup Options
  • Exercise: Viewing the Presentation
  • Organizing a Presentation in Sections
    1. Inserting Section Headers
  • Adding Transitions to Slides
    1. Adding Multiple Transitions
    2. Modifying Transition Options
  • Adding Speaker Notes
  • Printing Speaker Notes
  • Running a Slide Show
  • Configuring Slideshow Resolution
  • Printing a Presentation
    1. Printing Selections
    2. Printing in Grayscale
  • Exercise: Finalizing Your Presentation

Koolituse eesmärk

The main purpose of this e-course is to give students a good understanding of the basics of Excel 2019.

Koolituse õpiväljundid

After completing this course, students know how to:

  • Start and end a PowerPoint session.
  • Edit a presentation.
  • Create different types of slides.
  • Use the Outline tab.
  • Add Clipart to a slide.
  • Format slides and use templates.
  • Use the Slide Sorter to reorganize a presentation.
  • Apply Tables and Charts to a presentation.
  • Print various components of a presentation.
  • Run a slide show.

Koolitus toimub e-õppe keskkonnas, kuhu saab siseneda isikliku kasutajanime ja parooliga. Need saadetakse Teile pärast koolitusarve tasumist või erikokkuleppel.

Täiendkoolituse õppekava rühm: arvutikasutus


Koolitusel osalemine
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The Koolitusel osalemine ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.


129€ +km
