Preparation of marketing plan and strategy (INGLISE KEELES)

Which marketing channel to use?

What do you want to achieve?

I do not know… 

In this case, it doesn’t matter…

(Adapted from the book “Alice in Wonderland”)

The world of marketing is full of possibilities – Facebook fan page, Google ads, blog articles, podcasts, TikTok, Instagram (story/reels/posts), television media, print media, digital banners, event marketing… In order not to get confused by every possibility, you need to make a plan. What do you want to achieve? Why? How? To whom? And even more – how to evaluate what has been done and then make new decisions. The training provides an introduction, after which you can start creating your marketing strategy.

Training duration:  6 academic hours (1  day)

Prerequisites (preferably): Interest in marketing field. It is useful if there is currently a product or service that needs marketing support. This makes it easier to do practical exercises.

Target audience:For everyone involved in marketing in the organization.

Contents of this training:

There are many topics to consider when creating a marketing plan and strategy. During the training, the most important of them will be covered in order to properly plan marketing activities when entering the market with a new product or service – goals, target groups, monitoring of competitors, budget, choice of channels and analysis of results. Creating a marketing strategy is up to everyone after training. Trainer Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing helps her clients with such questions every day. She has seen a lot of marketing strategies that work and about as many solutions that don’t. She is a practitioner who knows what works and what doesn’t in marketing today. The training group is small, which means that no one is left behind – for every question, the trainer can come to the participant’s computer and help solve problems.


  • Mapping the target group (including creating personas)
  • Monitoring of competitors
  • Budget calculation
  • Visual identity
  • Setting goals
  • Creating a value proposition
  • Selection of marketing channels
  • Implementation of the marketing plan
  • Analyzing the results

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the training, the participant:

  • creates a value proposition that speaks to the target group;
  • maps the current situation in its field;
  • sets measurable goals;
  • knows technical solutions, channels and tools for marketing planning;
  • creates a realistic marketing budget and calculates the break-even point;
  • plans marketing activities realistically;
  • analyzes the results of marketing activities.

Conditions for completion of training: At the end of the training, the training center issues a certificate to those who have completed the training. At the end of the training, a certificate will be issued if at least 80% of each subject of the curriculum and other requirements arising from the training program (e.g. exam, accounting, practical work, etc.) have been completed. A certificate of participation is issued to a person if during the training the achievement of the learning outcomes was not assessed or if the person did not achieve all the learning outcomes required to complete the curriculum.

Price includes:

  • a prepared workplace with the necessary hardware and software in the classroom. If necessary, we provide the participant in the online environment with remote access to the software required to participate in the training;
  • study materials;
  • certificate;
  • consultation of the trainer on the topics learned by e-mail after the training.

In addition:

  • free retraining, if necessary, if you feel that some skill needs improvement or you had to interrupt the training for reasons beyond your control;
  • free parking;
  • hot drinks with cookies;
  • lunch on each training day.

Continuing Education Curriculum Group: juhtimine ja haldus


275€ +km


Lõõtsa 5, Tallinn
või veebi teel osaledes


  • Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing
    Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing
    Koolitaja, turundusspetsialist

    Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing on meedia alal tegev olnud juba 2010. aasta suvest. Rohkem kui kümnendi kestnud karjääri sisse on jäänud koostöö nii suuremate meedia- kui ka loovagentuuridega ning klientidega nii meilt kui mujalt Aastate jooksul on ta koostööd teinud väga erinevate ettevõtetega mitmetest valdkondadest ning näinud erinevaid lähenemisi ning oskab seega suure tõenäosusega nõu anda ka sinu ettevõtte turunduse efektiivsemaks muutmise teemadel.

    Põhiliselt on Katrini oskused seotud digiturunduse, strateegia, mõõtmise ja kõigega, mis sellega seondub – seadistused, planeerimine, erinevad tööriistad ja programmid. Katrini eeliseks on pidev praktiseerimine – ta mitte ainult ei koolita, vaid reaalselt tegeleb oma ettevõttes kampaaniate haldamise ja turundusteenuste pakkumisega. Seetõttu on ta kursis viimaste uuenduste ja trendidega ning panustab palju aega uute teadmiste omandamisse.

    Lisaks mõistab ta ise ettevõtte omanikuna teiste ettevõtjate murekohti ja oskab vaadata turundust kui tervikut kogu ettevõtte juhtimise strateegias.

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