SEO – website optimization (INGLISE KEELES)

What do you do when you have a question? Are you talking to your partner, friend, colleague? More and more people turn to Google instead with their questions! If your service or product is an answer to people’s questions, SEO helps ensure that these answers reach people. During the training, you will learn how to get on the first page of Google search (at least in Estonia).

Training duration: 6 academic hours (1 day)

Targer audience: Anyone who comes into contact with marketing. Especially for marketing specialists, service providers, small entrepreneurs and those who are responsible for marketing activities in the company on social media.

Prerequisites: interest in SEO.

Contents of this training

Visibility on the Internet is more and more important. Those companies that appear on the first page of Google search receive many times more inquiries (and therefore new customers) than those that do not have special positions in search engines. 90% of googlers never go beyond the first page! SEO, or search engine optimization, is an effective way to get new visitors to your website without spending money on advertising. In the practical training, we do quick audits of the participants’ websites to find out what needs to be changed in their web and marketing activities in order to get higher positions in the Google search engine with keywords important to the organization. We’ll talk about the different factors that affect how you appear in Google searches and what you can do to improve your results. During the training, all participants can go through a short version of keyword analysis and learn to plan and create SEO and reader-friendly content based on it.

The trainer, Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing, is a marketer with an IT education and can therefore answer even your most technical questions. Her knowledge and experience in digital marketing in general helps to place SEO in the right place in the overall marketing plan. The training group is small, which means that no one is left behind – for every question, the trainer can come to the participant’s computer and help solve problems.


  • What is SEO?
  • Checking and optimizing the condition of your website
  • Website mobile friendliness
  • Website security Keyword analysis
  • Content creation and planning Distribution of Content

Purpose of training:

The aim of the training is to provide the participant with knowledge, tools and skills in website optimization (SEO), which would ensure the website’s findability in search engines and help increase website traffic.

Learning outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the training, the participant:

  • knows which factors play a role in search engine visibility;
  • analyzes the state of your website and finds deficiencies;
  • knows how to build his page so that he is in the best possible position in search engines;
  • optimizes website media;
  • knows how to identify the mobile friendliness of a website and what needs to be done to develop it;
  • analyzes keywords and knows the necessary tools;
  • creates a persona for your target group;
  • knows how to build links;
  • can create and plan content that is SEO and reader friendly.

Conditions for completion of training: At the end of the training, the training center issues a certificate to those who have completed the training. At the end of the training, a certificate will be issued if at least 80% of each subject of the curriculum and other requirements arising from the training program (e.g. exam, accounting, practical work, etc.) have been completed. A certificate of participation is issued to a person if during the training the achievement of the learning outcomes was not assessed or if the person did not achieve all the learning outcomes required to complete the curriculum.

Price includes:

  • a prepared workplace with the necessary hardware and software in the classroom. If necessary, we provide the participant in the online environment with remote access to the software required to participate in the training;
  • study materials;
  • consultation of the trainer on the topics learned by e-mail after the training;
  • certificate.

In addition:

  • free retraining, if necessary, if you feel that some skill needs improvement or you had to interrupt the training for reasons beyond your control;
  • free parking;
  • hot drinks with cookies;
  • lunch on each training day.

Continuing Education Curriculum Group: Information and Communication Interdisciplinary Curriculum Group


Koolitusel osalemine
Vabu kohti: saadaval
The Koolitusel osalemine ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.


17.juuni 2024


1 day
10:00 - 15:45


275€ +km


Lõõtsa 5, Tallinn
või veebi teel osaledes


  • Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing
    Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing
    Koolitaja, turundusspetsialist

    Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing on meedia alal tegev olnud juba 2010. aasta suvest. Rohkem kui kümnendi kestnud karjääri sisse on jäänud koostöö nii suuremate meedia- kui ka loovagentuuridega ning klientidega nii meilt kui mujalt Aastate jooksul on ta koostööd teinud väga erinevate ettevõtetega mitmetest valdkondadest ning näinud erinevaid lähenemisi ning oskab seega suure tõenäosusega nõu anda ka sinu ettevõtte turunduse efektiivsemaks muutmise teemadel.

    Põhiliselt on Katrini oskused seotud digiturunduse, strateegia, mõõtmise ja kõigega, mis sellega seondub – seadistused, planeerimine, erinevad tööriistad ja programmid. Katrini eeliseks on pidev praktiseerimine – ta mitte ainult ei koolita, vaid reaalselt tegeleb oma ettevõttes kampaaniate haldamise ja turundusteenuste pakkumisega. Seetõttu on ta kursis viimaste uuenduste ja trendidega ning panustab palju aega uute teadmiste omandamisse.

    Lisaks mõistab ta ise ettevõtte omanikuna teiste ettevõtjate murekohti ja oskab vaadata turundust kui tervikut kogu ettevõtte juhtimise strateegias.

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