Become a specialist in digital marketing – everything from marketing plan to analytics (INGLISE KEELES)

Digital marketing is the most effective way to convey your message for many products and services. How to do the right actions for the right people at the right place at the right time? Of course, this question is on every marketer’s desk, and this training program provides a whole range of answers. Come and learn with us how to do very good social media marketing, be found in search engines, use advertising money optimally and make better marketing decisions.

Training duration: 48 academic hours (8 days).

Target audience: The training program is intended for anyone who comes into contact with digital marketing or wants to start marketing their services or products on social media and online. Especially for small businesses, marketing specialists, service providers and those who are responsible for marketing activities in the company on social media.

Prerequisites (preferably): Existence and access to a company account (FB page), advertising account (FB ad account) and Google Analytics account. Access to the homepage header to add the code to set up the FB pixel.

Contents of this training

In the training program, we review all steps of digital marketing, from setting goals and target groups to carrying out activities and measuring their results. During the course, the participants will be given a lot of technical tricks, references to practical tools, basics and online resources, which will allow you to plan your marketing activities effectively in the future and to be well visible in both social media and search engines.

Digital marketing trainings are extremely practical, and therefore they are especially suitable for those who already have a product or service that needs marketing or are about to develop. In the course of practical exercises and discussions, we go through more difficult areas so that you can immediately see how what you have learned works in reality.

Those who have completed the training receive knowledge, skills and advice directly from a practitioner who manages and plans campaigns on the Estonian market on a daily basis. The training also includes all the basics and tools that make the process of creating a campaign faster and more efficient.

The digital marketing training program consists of the following trainings (click on the name to read more about the content):

Price includes:

  • a prepared workplace with the necessary hardware and software in the classroom. If necessary, we provide the participant in the online environment with remote access to the software required to participate in the training;
  • study materials;
  • certificate;
  • consultation of the trainer on the topics learned by e-mail after the training.

In addition:

  • free retraining, if necessary, if you feel that some skill needs improvement or you had to interrupt the training for reasons beyond your control;
  • free parking;
  • hot drinks with cookies;
  • lunch on each training day.

Continuing Education Curriculum Group: marketing and advertising


Koolitusel osalemine
Vabu kohti: saadaval
The Koolitusel osalemine ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.


03.sept. 2025 - 28.nov. 2025


8 days
10:00 - 15:45


2090€ +km
- 15 %

1777€ +km


Lõõtsa 5, Tallinn
või veebi teel osaledes


  • Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing
    Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing
    Koolitaja, turundusspetsialist

    Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing on meedia alal tegev olnud juba 2010. aasta suvest. Rohkem kui kümnendi kestnud karjääri sisse on jäänud koostöö nii suuremate meedia- kui ka loovagentuuridega ning klientidega nii meilt kui mujalt Aastate jooksul on ta koostööd teinud väga erinevate ettevõtetega mitmetest valdkondadest ning näinud erinevaid lähenemisi ning oskab seega suure tõenäosusega nõu anda ka sinu ettevõtte turunduse efektiivsemaks muutmise teemadel.

    Põhiliselt on Katrini oskused seotud digiturunduse, strateegia, mõõtmise ja kõigega, mis sellega seondub – seadistused, planeerimine, erinevad tööriistad ja programmid. Katrini eeliseks on pidev praktiseerimine – ta mitte ainult ei koolita, vaid reaalselt tegeleb oma ettevõttes kampaaniate haldamise ja turundusteenuste pakkumisega. Seetõttu on ta kursis viimaste uuenduste ja trendidega ning panustab palju aega uute teadmiste omandamisse.

    Lisaks mõistab ta ise ettevõtte omanikuna teiste ettevõtjate murekohti ja oskab vaadata turundust kui tervikut kogu ettevõtte juhtimise strateegias.

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