Küberturvalisuse analüütiku baasõpe (CompTIA CySA+), e-õpe
Koolituse maht: 50 akadeemilist tundi.
Sihtgrupp: This course is intended for anyone who is interested in a Cybersecurity position or looking to improve their security skills. The course will give you the skills you need to be a better cybersecurity analyst.
Koolitusel osalemise eeldused: Basic familiarity with PCs and networks. It is a good idea to have an understanding of CompTIA A+, Network+, and Security+ or to be knowledgeable in these topics.
Koolituse kirjeldus
Küberturvalisuse analüütiku baasõpe (CompTIA CySA+) on 100% e-õpe: läbi endale sobivas tempos!
Become the cybersecurity analyst employers need. Gain important behavioral analytics knowledge so you can proactively defend and improve the security of any organization. CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) is an IT workforce certification that applies behavioral analytics to networks and devices to prevent, detect and combat cybersecurity threats through continuous security monitoring. As attackers have learned to evade traditional signature-based solutions, such as firewalls and anti-virus software, an analytics-based approach within the IT security industry is increasingly important for organizations. CompTIA CySA+ applies behavioral analytics to networks to improve the overall state of security through identifying and combating malware and advanced persistent threats (APTs), resulting in an enhanced threat visibility across a broad attack surface. It will validate an IT professional’s ability to proactively defend and continuously improve the security of an organization.
Koolitus toimub e-õppe keskkonnas, kuhu saab siseneda isikliku kasutajanime ja parooliga. Need saadetakse Teile pärast koolitusarve tasumist või erikokkuleppel.
Koolituse eesmärk
CompTIA CySA+ is the only intermediate high-stakes cybersecurity analyst certification with both hands-on, performance-based questions and multiple-choice questions. CySA+ focuses on the candidates ability to not only proactively capture, monitor, and respond to network traffic findings, but also emphasizes software and application security, automation, threat hunting, and IT regulatory compliance, which affects the daily work of security analysts. CySA+ covers the most up-to-date core security analyst skills and upcoming job skills used by threat intelligence analysts, application security analysts, compliance analysts, incident responders/handlers, and threat hunters.
Koolituse teemad:
Lesson 1: Understanding Vulnerability Response, Handling, and Management
Lesson 2: Exploring Threat Intelligence and Threat Hunting Concepts
Lesson 3: Explaining Important System and Network Architecture Concepts
Lesson 4: Understanding Process Improvement in Security Operations
Lesson 5: Implementing Vulnerability Scanning Methods
Lesson 6: Performing Vulnerability Analysis
Lesson 7: Communicating Vulnerability Information
Lesson 8: Explaining Incident Response Activities
Lesson 9: Demonstrating Incident Response Communication
Lesson 10: Applying Tools to Identify Malicious Activity
Lesson 11: Analyzing Potentially Malicious Activity
Lesson 12: Understanding Application Vulnerability Assessment
Lesson 13: Exploring Scripting Tools and Analysis Concepts
Lesson 14: Understanding Application Security and Attack Mitigation Best Practices
Koolituse õpiväljundid
Koolituse edukal lõpetamisel suudavad õppijad:
- kasutada infokogumise ja ohu tuvastamise tehnikaid;
- analüüsida ja tõlgendada andmeid;
- tuvastada ja likvideeerida haavatavusi;
- soovitada ennetavaid meetmeid;
- tõhusalt reageerida turvajuhtumitele ja korraldada olukorra normaliseerimist.
Koolituse lõpetamise tingimused: õpiväljundite saavutamist kontrollitakse ja hinnatakse läbi iseseisva praktilise töö.
Koolitushind sisaldab:
- õppematerjale;
- tunnistust,
- sertifikaadieksamit.
Täienduskoolituse õppekavarühm: informatsiooni- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia interdistsiplinaarne õppekavarühm
Nordic Koolitus OÜ on Eesti Töötukassa koolituskaardi koostööpartner.