ReactJS Programming
Training duration: 16 academic hours (2 days)
Target audience: The course targets programmers that will be using React-library to build UI-applications for web.
Prerequisites: The participant should have a good command of JavaScript-language and HTML constructs plus understand at least basics of CSS-technique.
Contents of this training
React is rather simple and straightforward SPA-library just offering a model for implementing UI for a web application but with extension modules a full-scale SPA-application can be implemented with it.
Course outline
- SPA-architecture
- Overview of React-appliction
- React features
- Virtual DOM -concept
- Getting started with JSX
- Building the project
Elements and components
- React elements
- Props
- Factory functions
- Components and state
- Event handling
- Style management
- Child components
- Passing data between components
- Routing between views
- Routing models
- Child routing
Using RESTful interface
- Design pointers
- Using AJAX in React application
State Management
- Component state vs. Application state
- Flux-architecture
- Redux
- State-aware components
Purpose of the course
The participant will learn to implement SPA-applications with React-library. Routing, using RESTful interface from server and state management with Redux are also covered.
Intended outcome
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Create React elements and components;
- Route between views with React;
- Use Redux for managing application state.
Price includes:
- classroom training;
- course materials;
- certification exams.
In addition we offer:
- snacks, tea and coffee;
- lunch on each training day.
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Jyrki MartonenTrainer