Professional Scrum Product Owner II (inglise keeles)
Koolituse maht: 16 akadeemilist tundi (2 päeva)
Sihtgrupp: Scrum Product Owners, business owners, business analysts, business managers.
Koolitusel osalemise eeldused: When taking PO II course, you should have work experience as a Product Owner and a strong understanding of the fundamentals of Scrum. Having basic level Product Owner certification (PSPO I, CSPO) is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended.
Koolituse kirjeldus
You already work as Scrum Product Owner. You know Scrum and have learnt your Scrum Guide, as you have participated on a Scrum Product Owner training course. Yet you still feel that to make your work smoother you’d like to hone your skills on truly delivering value to customers, collaborating with all stakeholders and wisely refining backlog – to really get the feel that you own the product. Successful completion of this course grants you skills for these and will help you to prepare for Professional Scrum Product Owner™ II (PSPO™ II) certification exam.
Successful completion of this course grants you skills for these and will help you to prepare for Professional Scrum Product Owner™ II (PSPO™ II) certification exam.
The course price includes an online test in English for the Professional Scrum Product Owner™ II (PSPO™ II) certification. You can take the test from your own computer at a time of your choice.
Professional Scrum Product Owner II (PSPO II) test:
- Passing score: 85%
- Time limit: 60 minutes
- Number of Questions: 40 (partial credit provided on some questions)
- After passing the exam, you are listed as Professional Scrum Product Owner II (PSPO II) in the web-page of™
- Free Credly digital credential included
- Lifetime certification – no annual renewal fee required
Koolituse teemad:
1. Towards Mastery
- ShuHaRi
2. Product Owner Core Competencies
Working with Stakeholders
- Identifying major stakeholder groups
- Collaborating with the stakeholders
- Identify purpose and define strategy
- Product Owner as facilitator
- Facilitative listening techniques
- Alternatives to open discussion
- Multiple perspectives
- Divergent thinking and convergent thinking
Working with the Development Team
- Technical debt
- Technical practices and their impact
Product Ownership with Multiple Teams
- Scaling frameworks
- Handling dependencies
3. Advanced Purpose and Strategy
Developing Practical Product Strategies
- Operationalizing product strategy
- Product plan
- Plan a release
4. Empathizing with Customers and Users
Customer Research and Product Discovery
- Customer Research Techniques
- Techniques of product discovery
- Techniques to communicate product ideas
5. Advanced Product Assumption Validation
- Cognitive biases
- Engaging with stakeholders over multiple Sprints
- Effective Review meetings
- Approaches to testing assumptions
- Testing assumptions in the Scrum framework
- Hypotheses
6. Advanced Techniques for Working with the Product Backlog
- Differentiating Outcome and Output
- Maximizing outcome while minimizing output
Defining Value
- Techniques to model and measure value
Generating and Ordering Items
- Generate new product backlog items
- Techniques in ordering a product backlog
- Reaching the final decision
Advanced Item Refinement
- Ensuring Readiness
- Session for Breaking down the Features
- Feedback sources
- Improving the product backlog
Koolituse õpiväljundid
This advanced-level, very hands-on and fast-paced course is designed to develop your Product Owner skills from good to great, to go beyond the basic mechanics of the Product Owner role by concentrating on:
- Product Owner Core Competencies
- Advanced Purpose and Strategy
- Empathizing with Customers and Users
- Advanced Product Assumption Validation
- Advanced Techniques for Working with the Product Backlog
Koolitushind sisaldab:
- õppematerjale;
- eksamivautšerit;
- tunnistust.
Täienduskoolituse õppekavarühm: juhtimine ja haldus